Saturday, September 04, 2010

Orihara Sake Bar

Finally found time (and company) to pop down to Orihara.

This 3 cups (and Derek's 3 actually) almost killed us. I think the lowest was 60%. Urgh. Anyway, had some Hotaru Ika (grilled ones) and ordered ANOTHER bottle of peach "umeshu" in addition to those sake we had.

The bottle we got was awesome. It's like a nice dessert wine to end the night and all. Well, thankfully it was only 8%, still, the total damage for the session was about 180 bucks. Big hole in pocket. Nonetheless, we still have half a bottle of the nice Momo which we left in the store, so it's like a good chance to go back and drink without bleeding as bad. *Phew*

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